Puppies love playing and this often can involve them using those little, sharp canines to grab onto you with. And what was once a fun time playing around could turn into a painful session of puppy got my finger. Which is not that much fun at all. So here are some things to keep in mind to make puppy play time fun but not painful.

Why Do Puppies Bite?

First lets comes to an understanding as too why puppies naturally bite in the first place. It is just something that they do and is normal behaviour. As we investigating objects as babies puppies do the same with their mouth. Some puppies may bite out of fear or frustration, and this type of biting can signal problems with future aggression. Then Puppies sometimes have temper tantrums. Usually tantrums happen when you’re making a puppy do something they don’t like.

Methods To Stop Puppy Biting

So how do you stop your puppy biting fast? While lets be honest here you are not going to be able to teach your pup to stop biting over night. It is a little longer of a process and takes some dedication. So make sure everyone is on board with the idea of training your pup to stop biting over time. Make sure one day you are not rough playing with your puppy then the next trying to teach biting manners. This just will make things confusing for your pup.

There are about two main ways to stop your puppy from biting. The most popular way is to, redirect your puppies bites into other objects. Like a chew toy which is mentioned later on in this article. Or you can try taking your dog to puppy school and get them to socialisation and interact with other dogs.

When Do Puppies Stop Biting

It can really depend but in short your puppy will begin to bite less at around 3-6 months. All dogs are vastly different and their different behaviours will mean different times when they stop bitting. And if you dog takes more then 6 months to stop biting that is okay. But if it gets to a point in which you think you might have a growing problem then reach out to a local dog trainer near you.

Tips To Help Stopping Your Puppy From Biting

Tug of War

Teaching your dog to play Tug of War can be a great way to redirect them from biting and put their focus into something else. This can help your puppy to determine what is okay and not okay to chew on.

Have Chew Toys At The Ready

When you approach your exciting biting puppy you may want to have some chew toys near by. Many dog owners have mentioned this to be a great solution to have in hand for when the biting starts. If your pup starts biting you, it is best to give a direct “no” and replace with the toy and when they begin biting the toy, say “yes” in a positive tone and give addition reinforcement.

Reward Them For The Positive Moments

We can often get caught up in making our pup know about it if they do something not desired like biting on our hand. But make sure to reinforce positive behaviours that may otherwise go unnoticed. If they are chewing on their toy instead of a pair of shoes or when they come up to you without chewing on you. You need to remember to praise these successful moments.

Socialisation with Other Dogs

This is one of the best ways for your pup to fully understand where the boundaries are. Other dogs a great at letting each other know when they take things too far when playing and will let them know about. If you are looking for more tips and information about socialising your puppy, this is a good read!